Justin Timberlake Loves Get Your Groom On Dog Salon

Justin Timberlake Loves Get Your Groom On Dog Salon

Our Golden Doodle, Justin Timberlake loves going to Get Your Groom On and is known for his love of howling and singing while being bathed. He’s got such a great personality and is so much fun and that’s why Justin the Golden Doodle is our featured dog grooming client!

Justin Timberlake is an active Goldendoodle who loves to swim, swim, and swim some more!  He also likes to “guard” the backyard from dolphins and manatees that swim close to the dock.  Snuggling like a human in bed with his mom and dad is at the top of his favorite activities.

Justin Timberlake Loves Get Your Groom On Dog Salon

Justin Timberlake Loves Get Your Groom On Dog Salon

Our Golden Doodle, Justin Timberlake loves going to Get Your Groom On and is known for his love of howling and singing while being bathed. He’s got such a great personality and is so much fun and that’s why Justin the Golden Doodle is our featured dog grooming client!

Justin Timberlake is an active Goldendoodle who loves to swim, swim, and swim some more!  He also likes to “guard” the backyard from dolphins and manatees that swim close to the dock.  Snuggling like a human in bed with his mom and dad is at the top of his favorite activities.

Why Do Dogs have Teary, Messy, or Goopy Eyes?

In this 2-minute video, you will learn why your dog’s eyes are teary and how to help correct this common canine health issue.

It is not only a bit unsightly when your dog’s eyes have excessive tearing and discharge it has negative effects for your dog’s health and safety. This problem can range from uncomfortable to blinding and painful for your dog. Our latest Vlog will tell you how to bring some relief to your dog’s watery eyes. Join Poppy & canine cohost Libby for this 2-minute instructional video about why dogs get teary eyes.

Related: Learn more from AKC about causes of goopy eyes in dogs

Why are Golden Doodles so Popular?

This designer breed is hypoallergenic and rarely sheds plus if you are looking for a fun active dog that exudes happiness a golden doodle is the dog for you!

Golden Doodles Love Water!

In an active beachside community like Melbourne Beach a dog who loves water will be the life of the party every beach day and pool party.

Golden Doodles Coat is Not Always Golden or Always Curly

These friendly pups come in many colors and the coat of these beautiful canines can range from coarse & curly to smooth and soft

Mini Doodle, Yes Please!

These beautiful dogs are often known as gentle giants but you can find these loving canines in many sizes and combinations from small to large you’ll love the giant heart that comes with them all.

Our client, Justin Timberlake loves to Get his Groom On and says you can’t go wrong when choosing a golden doodle to keep you company! Of course, he would say that since JT is a Golden Doodle himself!

Related: Tips to Deshed Your Golden Doodle and other Dog Breeds