Train Dogs to Like Nail Trimming

Train Dogs to Like Nail Trimming

It takes a bit of effort but these easy tips will have your dog feeling safe and comfortable during nail trims.

  • Expose the dog to the clippers by leaving them out in places your dog feels comfortable and safe to check them out resulting in desensitization.
  • Start touching your dog’s feet and legs regularly this acclimates them to staying calm when it’s time for a nail trim.
  • Hold your dog and touch its feet gently with the clippers. 
  • Once they seem comfortable, hold the paw and begin trimming.

Call us at (321) 722-0130 we can help!

Train Dogs to Like Nail Trimming

Train Dogs to Like Nail Trimming

It takes a bit of effort but these easy tips will have your dog feeling safe and comfortable during nail trims.

  • Expose the dog to the clippers by leaving them out in places your dog feels comfortable and safe to check them out resulting in desensitization.
  • Start touching your dog’s feet and legs regularly this acclimates them to staying calm when it’s time for a nail trim.
  • Hold your dog and touch its feet gently with the clippers. 
  • Once they seem comfortable, hold the paw and begin trimming.

Call us at (321) 722-0130 we can help!